Esther Davis | North County San Diego Real Estate

Get Your Home Ready to Sell

When putting your home on the market to sell, a clean and clutter-free home helps:

  • create a larger, brighter, and more inviting space
  • buyers to imagine themselves in the space
  • attract more qualified buyers
  • boost value
  • sell more quickly

It’s no secret that de-cluttering is an essential step in creating an attractive space buyers will find appealing. Buyers will likely see stuffed closets and cupboards as lack of storage space.  If your home is overflowing with clutter, I can help you to:

  • pack up personal items
  • remove clutter
  • organize all the places a buyer might look at including pantries, closets, and garages.

When you’re selling your home, it is often difficult to view your home objectively.  I provide a neutral perspective to help you de-personalize your home and allow its true potential to take center stage.  Buyers will be able to envision themselves living in the property and form an emotional connection.  You will be proud to show off your home!

Declutter Before Buying A Home

Whether you’re buying or selling, decluttering your current space will pave the way for a smoother real estate experience and bring several benefits:

  • help clarify your next steps
  • help organize financials for the mortgage process
  • clearer understanding of needs when looking for a new home
  • easier packing & unpacking with less stuff
  • reduce moving costs
  • reduce stress
  • eliminate distractions
  • sharper focus on your goals